How a NES Scan Analyzes Your Body-Field
How NES Scans Differ from Allopathic Medicine
The NES System is a computer program that provides a way to peek into the bioenergetic and informational recesses of your body-field to see what is going on.
It’s a snapshot that allows you to accurately assess the correlations between your body-field and your physical and emotional states at a particular moment in time.
The scan itself is quick, easy, and non-invasive.
You simply place your hand on the scanning device, which looks like a large computer mouse, and the software in the computer reads your body-field.
In addition, as other bioenergetic research has shown, there are various ways to interact with the information of the field, and that includes through the voice.
The scan is a QED (quantum electrodynamic) matching test that we are able to reliably detect – the waveforms of the body-field and the interference patterns that impart information.
Basically, the computer, or phone, on which the NES analysis software is loaded sets up its own QED field (you must have an electrostatic field to create the QED field).
Your body-field and the QED field from the computer or phone become entangled, and through a proprietary process, the scanning software is able to assess where matches are made between your body-field and the template of the body-field structures (based on decades of research) that is encoded into the software.
While the entanglement of the two QED fields allows the information to flow and thus be detected, the matching is of the structures in space whose qualities impart that information.
Those qualities are themselves based on changes in the permittivity of space, according to Wolff’s space resonance theory of physics.
The NES System is, in effect, asking questions of your body-field and sensing information about the changes in space that are interpreted as responses from your body-field.
Unlike allopathic medicine, where tests seek to determine baseline measures, such as your liver enzyme level, and then determine if there is a problem if your live enzymes fall outside of what are considered normal parameters, the NES system is sensing the quality of response it gets back.
It senses how strong or weak the match is and then prioritizes the responses it gets and returns them graphically for the practitioner to assess.
The NES system is not a biofeedback type of system, which, depending on the type of system, detects changes in the electrical characteristics of the skin or brain.
The interaction that takes place during a NES scan between the computer (or phone) and your body-field is a quantum process, and it happens almost instantly.
Although each person has a somewhat unique biochemistry, our body-fields are all structurally the same. The Energetic Drivers, Integrators, and the like are really structures in space, and those structures are crucial to the proper functioning of everything that goes on within them.
So it is not necessary, as it is in allopathic medicine, to get a reading of every item within a system, such as blood gases, cholesterol level, potassium level, and the like.
Instead, we can look at the state of the larger energetic and informational structures themselves. By correcting distorted structures, everything with the structures is affected. So you could say that the NES scan is analyzing the functional integrity of your body-field.
By “functional integrity”, we mean that the objective of the scan is similar to identifying the weakest links in a chain, because your body-field is only as strong as its weakest aspects.
A NES scan identifies those weaknesses, and you can use the NES Infoceuticals to correct them, if you choose.
Ultimately, NES scans over time determine the body-fields correlations to the root causes of physical and emotional problems by working through the many layers of the holographic body-field to reveal the preferred sequence.
We do not address symptoms, which is what most allopathic diagnoses are based on. That’s why we say we do not diagnose treat, prevent, or cure disease. We are working at the holistic, systems level of your body-field and working with energy and information, not physical tissue or cellular processes directly.
The number of matches made in a single scan are correlated, sorted, and prioritized before being returned graphically in the analysis reports that show up on the computer screen.
By sensing the quality of the matches between your actual body-field and the information about the body-field and its structures mathematically encoded in the NES software, the computer can detect where and to what degree your body-field is distorted.
With this information, you are then able to know how to correct these distortions and help provide you with energy for life.
NES Health system involves three steps:
1) Assess the Body-Field – I use their scanning technology to provide you with a holistic wellness report in just seconds. While this isn’t a medical assessment, the scan’s bioenergetic matching process often shows a strong correlation to known health concerns. But more important, this approach looks for the underlying problem so we can address health concerns from their roots with their bioenergetic solutions.
If you prefer, you can choose to buy a scanner for yourself and scan from the comfort of your own home. The results will be sent to me. This saves you time and gasoline. In this case, I will provide my coaching by phone or internet, and the recommended remedies will be shipped to your home.
2) Unblock and Rejuvenate – If we work together in person, my service includes the use of the exciting NES miHealth device. This unique device uses PEMF technology with NES Health’s proprietary field correction signals. We can also work “on body” with smart bioelectric stimulation that uses real-time biofeedback to give your body exactly what it needs. This can yield a lot of fast results. We also use it to clear away energy blocks and begin to rejuvenate your energy field before you ever leave the office.
3) Restore Correct Information – Finally, I provide you with liquid remedies called Infoceuticals. These help to optimize the body-field’s energy levels and information flow so that proper communication takes place. A healthy body is all about energy and communication.
These remedies have helped thousands of people around the world, and they are simple to take by putting some drops into water and drinking the water.