Love, Health & Happiness this Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. It’s a beautiful holiday to celebrate and share with your family, children, partner, spouse and friends. We traditionally share our love on this holiday by purchasing gifts, flowers, chocolates, candy, or fancy dinners for our loved ones.
But have you thought about what you can do to celebrate Valentine’s Day for yourself?
Why do we purchase all these items and indulge in such unhealthy eating behavior?
Is this how we show someone we love them; let alone is this how we perceive feeling valued and loved by others?
Do you believe that if you put others first that they will love and therefore you will feel loved?
Do you believe it is selfish to love yourself first? I’d like to challenge you on a different approach in conveying your Love this Valentine’s Day. That is to practice the selfless, not selfish, act of self-love.A famous psychologist and social philosopher coined the idea that:“In order to truly love another person, a person needs first to love herself, in the way of respecting and knowing oneself.”In my book Listen to Your Body and Regain Your Health I share with you my Secrets including:

  • The four aspects of self-love
  • The Process of Transformation in Trust and Self-awareness
  • Self-care routines; like my ‘Mirror Work’ Exercise

The only way to Love others with all of your heart is by first loving yourself.

Take this Valentine’s day as an opportunity to not only love others, but love yourself too. Listen to what your heart is telling you.

Follow your heart, Listen to your body, Reenergize your mind and Exert positive energy into your spirit.

When you have accomplished these tasks of being a healthier, happier and self-loving you, you will then discover the power of sharing your love with others.

So, take this Valentine’s day to connect with your inner self.

I wish you all Love, Health & Happiness this Valentine’s Day.